What to Expect from a John Mattone
Speech, Event or Retreat?

His thought leadership combined with his passion, energy and authenticity on the platform are described as “unmatched” and have earned him rave reviews from every corner of the earth, from the world’s top CEO’s and government leaders to corporate and government leaders at every level, and from serial entrepreneurs to start-up’s.

john’s demo


The Intelligent Leader

Unlocking the 7 Secrets to Leading Yourself and Others in an AI World With John Mattone

Bestselling Author and World’s Top Executive Coach (2019, 2020, 2021, 2023, and 2024).

the intelligent leader book

In today’s fast-paced AI business world, we find ourselves in a conundrum: regardless of the incredible technological advancements the world has seen and experienced in the past decade, all businesses still require (and will demand) superior leadership, outstanding talent, and a culturethat is positive and empowering to compete and remain relevant now and into the future. Here’s the stark reality, however: superior leadership—globally, is in massive, short supply. So is talent and cultures that are positive, inclusive, and empowering. Here’s another conundrum: there have never been so many books, blogs, speakers, and seminars on leadership, yet global organizations are finding that the supply of leadership talent significantly “lagging the supply of raw intellectual horsepower. There is no shortage of intellect (artificial included) in the world of business; when it comes to superior leadership, however, most global organizations are realizing how difficult it is to compete simply because they just don’t have enough great leaders in their ranks. In addition, the challenge of preparing the next generation of leaders to handle the fiercely competitive global landscape, and lightening, fast pace of change that defines this era, is proving almost insurmountable. AI is not and will never become a substitute for great leadership, outstanding talent, and cultures that inspire and empower the “heart and soul” of people. These are the true “leading indicators” that determine and will determine the operating success of any global business.

John Mattone has found a solution to this leadership paradox and developed an approach that cuts right to the core of what holds leaders back from greatness and organizations from maintaining their long-term relevance. It’s what has made him the world’s top executive coach, the “coach of coaches”, and what has drawn world leaders and Fortune 500 CEOs—from the late Steve Jobs to PepsiCo’s Roger Enrico—to seek his counsel. And fortunately for the business world as well as global government entities, Mattone’s secrets are no longer being shared exclusively in boardrooms and executive suites, but also in his 2020 bestseller, The Intelligent Leader and his powerful keynote, based on the book.

What makes John Mattone’s approach to leadership and helping people and organizations achieve lasting success so unique, is his focus on helping people develop what he calls their “inner core,” which requires that they get in touch with their deeper purpose, strengthening their character, and clarifying their values. These are the elements of “heart and soul” that is missing in the leadership equation and without these elements, people and organizations will never create the masterpieces they were intended to create—even with the benefits that technological advancement affords us.

“AI is not and will never become a substitute for great leadership, outstanding talent, and cultures that inspire and empower the “heart and soul” of people. These are the true “leading indicators” that determine and will determine the operating success of any global business”—John Mattone

This sets his approach—the IL Philosophy, apart from the many leadership and life development approaches that try skipping over this critical foundational piece while focusing more on “outer core” skill development—like strategic thinking, decisiveness, and the drive for results. And, while these “hard” skills are important for competent leadership and organizational success, John Mattone has found that developing an individual’s inner core is the key to unlocking deeper leadership and organizational success. In fact, Mattone has found again and again that an individual’s capacity for improvement in their outer core—whether they want to become a better leader, better parent, better family member, better community servant, better spouse, etc., is directly tied to the strength, vibrancy, and maturity of their inner core.

Key Elements of John’s Presentation:

Think Different; Think Big
The Power of the “Vulnerability Decision”
Leveraging “Gifts” and Addressing “Gaps”
The Courage to Execute as the Instigator to Agility in Learning and Innovation!
Possessing the “Duty Mindset”
Being Vigilant
Knowing Your Gifts and Being Proud to Leverage Them
Knowing Your Weaknesses and Having the Courage to Address Them–Always
The 4 Values that Will Bring You Success and Happiness
The Best Predictor of Your Future Is Not Your Past

Intelligent Leadership
What You Need to Know to Unlock & Unleash Your Potential

In 2015, John Mattone’s Intelligent Leadership, along with Tony Robbins’ Creating Lasting Change and John Maxwell’s 5 Levels of Leadership were named the three Top Advanced Leadership Development Programs that Change Lives!

This powerful program is based on John Mattone’s Inc. Magazine/CEO Read bestseller, Intelligent Leadership. John will teach you the principles that make him the man that leaders and future leaders all around the world turn to for game-changing insights on how to overcome their self-imposed limiting thoughts and habits. He reveals his key insights for unlocking and unleashing greatness in yourself, your teams and your organization so you can create a compelling, winning culture that drives operating results.
John Mattone utilizes his proprietary “Leadership Maturity Model” as the foundation for teaching leaders the predictive components that unlock and unleash their full potential, all in support of driving sustained operating performance.

Key Elements of John’s Presentation:

  • Your “Inner-Core” Drives Your “Outer-Core”
  • Character Determines Your Destiny
  • Your Legacy as a Leader is Determined by the 4 A’s – Achievement; Altruism; Affiliation; and Abundance
  • It’s Not About the Leader You Want to Become; It’s About the Leader You Must Become
  • What I Learned Coaching Steve Jobs—Lessons Learned
  • You Can and Must Create Your Compelling Future—For Others; Your Family; Your Organization and Yourself

Available as a Keynote; Half-Day or One/Two-Day Workshop.

IGNiTE Your Inner-Core
LiVE the Life You Deserve

What makes John Mattone’s approach to leadership and helping people achieve lasting life success so unique, is his focus on helping people develop what he calls their “inner core,” which requires that they get in touch with their deeper purpose, strengthening their character, and clarifying their values. This sets his philosophy apart from the many leadership and life development approaches that try to “steal first base” by skipping over this critical foundational piece and focusing more on “outer core” skill development—like strategic thinking, decisiveness, and the drive for results. And, while these “hard” skills are important for competent leadership and life success, John Mattone has found that developing an individual’s inner core is the key to unlocking deeper leadership and life potential. In fact, Mattone has found again and again that an individual’s capacity for improvement in their outer core—whether they want to become a better leader, better parent, better family member, better community servant, better spouse, etc., is directly tied to the strength, vibrancy and maturity of their inner core. This powerful and truly game-changing keynote will ignite your soul and show you the pathway to achieving and living a life that brings abundance to others—and yourself. This is the life you deserve to live.

Key Elements of John’s Presentation:

  • It’s Not About the Person You Want to Become; It’s About the Person You Must Become.
  • The Power of Being Vulnerable
  • Knowing Your Gifts and Being Proud to “Explode” Them
  • Knowing Your Weaknesses and Having the Courage to Address Them–Always
  • The 4 Values that Will Bring You Success and Happiness
  • The Mindset of “Duty” versus “Entitlement
  • The Best Predictor of Your Future Is Not Your Past.

Available as a Keynote.

Transforming Culture
The Road to Reinvention & Renewal.

In this power-packed program, based on John Mattone’s Amazon and Inc. Magazine 2016 Bestseller, Cultural Transformations, John reveals the critical steps that must be planned-out and, executed, for any organization to create and sustain a renewed, winning culture that engages, inspires, and unleashes talent in support of driving breakthrough results.

The road to reinvention and renewal for any organization is based on having a workforce—from top to bottom, who are “centered” (i.e., fully aligned with the organization’s mission and vision) and, also passionate about making themselves better but also their organization better. The real pathway to achieving sustained success in any organization lies truly in how effectively a culture of “centeredness” is created and sustained.

The challenge for global organizations as well as the small to mid-sized entrepreneurial organizations is not “how do we make our people happy”? The real challenge is “how do we ensure that all our people are “centered” so they are poised and passionate to become the best they can be every day? It is through “centeredness”, that passion, happiness, joy, and true engagement emerges. However, it is culture that drives engagement and, ultimately, it is culture that drives operating success.

Culture is the foundation from which successful organizations are built—however, most struggle to create an environment in which employees are fulfilled, effective in their work, and feel “unleashed”. What exactly is it that makes some organizations achieve and sustain breakthrough success, while others struggle with transforming their cultures, whether it involves crafting a new compelling vision and culture or merging cultures?

We believe the Stealth Cultural Transformation Model™ (see below) provides a convincing answer to this critical question. This Model was initially researched by John Mattone in 2011 and 2012 and highlighted in his earlier book, Talent Leadership as well as Cultural Transformations. It offers a compelling, symbolic way to understand how leadership, talent, and culture all combine to ultimately determine if your organization will succeed or fail. They are, in fact, the ultimate leading indicators to achieving sustained operating success.



Key Elements of John’s Presentation:

  • Research and Latest Thinking: Leadership, Talent & Culture are “Leading Indicators” that Predict Sustained Operating Success
  • Roadmap of Cultural Transformation to Align with Company Vision, Mission & Purpose
  • What is Culture
  • The 5 Cultures of Culture
  • Transforming Culture—The 6 Critical Steps

Available as a 1-hour speech or webinar, half-day webinar/workshop, or full-day webinar/workshop.

Intelligent Leadership for Millennials

“Leadership is adopting the responsibility to uphold the highest level of Character,
Competence and Commitment each and every day.”
– Trevor Maloney, Millennial Expert and Co-CEO of Intelligent Leadership and Beyond, LLC a John Mattone-Global, Inc. Affiliate

Organizations all over the world are hiring millennials for their incredible learning ability, talent and drive! Millennials all over the world are hungry for more and ready to do whatever it takes to achieve what they value most.

However, millennials are often misunderstood as “entitled,” “selfish” and “non-committal.” Some of these misrepresentations are holding them back from becoming all that they are called to be and unlocking their full potential both professionally and personally. In my experiences working as Chief Development Officer at John Mattone Global and mentoring other young professionals through training and speaking, I have found that leadership truly starts from within the individual and serves as the catalyst for our success in the world.

Are you passionate about unlocking your potential and becoming the Intelligent Leader that exists within you? If so, I would love to discuss the opportunity to speak at your next event!

It is my blessing to serve you – together, we can revolutionize the way that young professionals both discover and pursue their greatest work and life aspirations!

Key Elements of Trevor’s Presentation:

  • Response-ABLE leadership – Everything You Do Matters
  • Lead from within – Igniting Your Character
  • Sharpen the Saw – Competence Hierarchy
  • Overcome the Fear of Commitment
  • Become Legacy-Driven – Start with the End in Mind

Available as a Keynote.



Improving Lives Forever.

“John delivered a great keynote presentation! He was incredibly engaging, full of energy and enthusiastic…and he gave the 3000 in attendance actionable game-changing ideas. We look forward to welcoming him back again very soon.”

– Executive Board
World Business Forum, Sydney




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