Building a Culture that Supports Your Operating Imperatives and Goals Starts with Measuring Your Culture.
Transforming Your Culture in Support of Operating Goals Starts with Measuring the Readiness of Your Leaders to Change
and Transform Your Culture.

5 Cultures of Culture Assessment (5CCA)

5 cultures of culture assessment

Organizations lose a powerfully important opportunity to understand the real levers driving either strong or weak employee engagement when they operate with the mistaken assumption that because they have measured engagement through an engagement survey they, therefore, have accurately captured the overall health of their corporate culture. Based on our research, while most organizations measure the engagement levels of their employees, very few measure their culture. Yet, it is culture that drives engagement.

As I detail in my 2016 bestseller, Cultural Transformations, senior executive teams need to take the view that their culture and what makes up their culture are the true “leading indicators” that drive sustained operating success. The 5 Cultures of Culture Assessment (5CCA) is a 40-item assessment we created that measures the strength and health of your overall current culture, based on the 5 elements that define culture: Capability Culture; Commitment Culture; Alignment Culture; Individual Performance Culture; and Team Performance Culture.

The 5CCA is one of the most unique and popular Culture Assessments in the market today because it is based on research and proven culture constructs and models that we have researched and uncovered working with global organizations over the past 30 years. The 5CCA generates a powerful and revealing 52-page report detailing the strengths and gaps in your culture. Unlike the culture assessments offered by other consulting firms that require you to attend their two to three-day certification program before you can use their assessment, we make it easy for you to start using and benefitting from the power of the 5CCA (there is no certification requirement).

In addition to our team administering and deploying the 5CCA to your employee population, we generate robust and granular 5CCA Reports by tenure, level and overall. We offer multiple ways of working with you and your senior team to debrief your 5CCA results which include conducting half-day virtual debriefs as well as onsite half and full day debriefs. In our experience, the 5CCA debrief provides the foundation for us working in partnership with you to accurately isolate both strengths and weaknesses in your culture and to start to build the prescription “architecture” for how to best leverage your culture strengths while addressing your culture gaps.

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Cultural Transformation Readiness Assessment-40 (CTRA-40)

cultural transformation readiness

The Cultural Transformation Readiness Assessment-40 (CTRA-40) is a measure of your organization’s readiness to successfully change and transform its’ culture based on our 6 Steps of Culture Transformation. There are 40 items across 6 Cultural Change Readiness Predictors (i.e., The imperative to transform; leadership; creating a compelling future; changing mindsets/changing behavior; pushing “talent levers”; and measure & course correct). This assessment is typically completed by each member of the senior executive team prior to our 3-Day Cultural Transformation “Bootcamp” to capture where they perceive their organization’s cultural transformation readiness to be strong and lacking prior to launching a change or transformation initiative. The CTRA-40 is completed by the senior executive team in advance of them seeing the results of their organization’s 5CCA results; most often, senior executive teams tend to think that both their culture and their organization’s readiness to transform its’ culture is stronger than what it really is. They tend to “over-inflate” both. However, once the senior executive team understands their organization’s 5CCA results during our “Bootcamp”, it causes them to reset their perceptions and ignites them—with our coaching—to get very granular about the levers of readiness they can push to drive change and the levers they need to address.



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