A keynote speaker’s goal is to captivate the audience in about an hour’s time. The speaker needs to invest time researching the audience, the issues, and the goals of the people hiring them.

A unique and distinctive presentation is what is memorable. Humor, analogies, and audience participation can and should be utilized. The attendees are paying for the leadership, expertise, and advise on the topic of the convention.

Finding and Booking Your Keynote Speaker

The perfect keynote speaker would already inherently know the goals and needs of their audience. This rarely happens as it takes briefing on the event, the aims of the hosts, the objectives of the event, and the demographics of the audience for the speaker to adapt the content and delivery to shape the success of the speech.

Booking a keynote speaker requires finding a speaker who knows your industry, or at least prepared to put the time in to make relevant the agenda and goals of the audience and hosts.

A recommendation of six to twelve months is recommended to choose the keynote speaker. Negotiation of fees and flexibility in scheduling is a must. The best keynote speaker inspires the audience way after the event finishes.

Generate Buzz Before the Big Event

Catchy titles that explain the benefit of the convention will capture the attention of attendees. Websites and emails are great tools to introduce your speaker to your potential audience. The keynote speaker’s link to their website with photos of them in action can add content before and after the convention.

Are Keynote Speakers Worth the Effort and Cost?

Even though finding and hiring a keynote speaker can take a lot of time, effort, and expenses, it can prove to have tremendous effects on both individuals and companies altogether. With the speaker’s experience and enthusiasm, audiences can feel motivated to take action to better themselves and their organizations.

John Mattone is an authentic, energetic, and passionate professional who enjoys being able to connect with new audiences in hopes that they will learn new ideas, strategies, and procedures that will help them grow in their professional roles.

Contact John Mattone for more information on availability and to book him for a keynote speech in Fort Lauderdale