Leaders never settle for the status quo, and they never accept defeat as final. Never giving up is the trademark of intelligent leaders destined for success. Giving up is never a reasonable option for a leader who sees the future as a source of endless possibilities and opportunities.

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas A. Edison.

Successful leaders never accept defeat as final. If one looks at leadership success through an analytic lens, never giving up emerges as a common theme. Never giving up may not be the only ingredient of leadership success, but it’s an essential part of the cocktail.

Leadership coaching urges leaders to leave their comfort zones and explore whatever lies beyond them. Your coach aims to turn this attitude into an ingrained behavior. Here’s why.

Giving up is a weakness. Never giving up is a strength. 

People who won’t settle for the status quo won’t accept defeat. The willingness to leave one’s comfort zone plants the seeds of leadership resilience. Those unwilling to explore potentially uncomfortable options and solutions are more willing to accept defeat. Those who see the future as a mosaic of endless and limitless possibilities know they can never accept setbacks as final. Trying just one more time is the key to success.

How Does Leadership Coaching Plant the Seeds of Resilience? 

From the perspective of leadership coaching, an attitude of never settling for the status quo is essential for leaders. Leaders who aren’t happy with where they are or where their organizations are will be hungry for change and improvement. They think strategically and inspire others to share their visions.

Let’s examine three main components of strategic leadership thinking:


Intelligent leaders always put forth visions. Forward-thinking leaders are always invested in the future, thinking about ways to make the impossible possible. For a true leader, the future is not a frightening realm of winding ventures or potentially fatal challenges, but one of infinite possibilities and opportunities.

By creating visions, leaders define future possibilities they’d like to turn into realities.


Courage is an indispensable ingredient for turning a vision into reality. The future is uncertain, and trying to manipulate it always entails the possibility of failure. Leaders must assume this risk. Executive coaching insists on changing mindsets and developing habits because that’s the only way to turn leaders into calculated risk-takers.

It requires courage to change a reality that’s currently comfortable, hoping something even better results. Intelligent leaders knowingly defy the odds. Such leaders understand two things about their current realities: success sets the stage for complacency and future failures, and failures carry the seeds of success.


By creating visions and taking practical steps towards turning them into realities, leaders inspire others to join them on their journeys.

Inspiring others is the essence of leadership. 

Leaders with bold visions peddle new ideas, and new ideas entail additional risks. Getting others to buy into revolutionary concepts and visions is not easy. Effective leaders can make their confidence and enthusiasm contagious. They can help others see value in what they propose.

Leaders who never give up point to another factor that influences their attitudes in addition to strategic thinking.


Passion triggers commitment and creates a mindset of constant solution-searching. People who have a genuine passion for something cannot accept final defeat. Giving up a passion is a difficult and detrimental psychological exercise we’re not wired to perform.

Someone with a genuine passion sees every failure as a temporary setback. Passion shines through even when times are difficult. Failures may test people and perhaps dishearten them for some time, but those with true passion start plotting an alternative approach as soon as the initial shock of failure wears off.

We tend to incorporate our passions into our daily activities. There must be alignment between the two. If this alignment is missing, the authenticity of the passion will be questionable.

Business coaching professionals understand that not all leaders are strategic thinkers or stalwarts that never give up. The goal of business coaching is to ensure leaders develop genuine passions for the best interests of their organizations.


John Mattone

John Mattone is the world’s top executive coach and a pioneer in leadership transformation. As the founder of John Mattone Global and the creator of the Intelligent Leadership® framework, he has coached Fortune 500 CEOs, government leaders, and rising innovators across 55 countries. A best-selling author of 11 books, including Intelligent Leadership and The Intelligent Leader, John’s mission is to unlock greatness in leaders, one transformation at a time​​.

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