The ability to make decisions is crucial to building a successful business. Entrepreneurs need to be able to take the right decisions and implement them effectively. We are fortunate in that decision-making is a skill that can be learned and enhanced. This guide teaches you how to make better choices and provides you with a list of skills to develop to become a more effective leader and manager.

decision making

How to Make Better Decisions

Each day, managers make decisions that have a direct impact on the business. In order for decisions to chart the right course, they must use the most relevant information and deliver the intended results. Step-by-step framework ensures good results, regardless of whether decisions affect only one person or the whole organization:

Define the issue: Ask questions, gather feedback from key players, and take all angles into account. You will be in a better position to make an informed decision if you thoroughly understand the scenario.

Review the data: Collect as many relevant details as possible. Whenever you’re considering a bigger decision, assign data-gathering tasks to team members who are familiar with the work area.

Evaluate each option: Analyze the pros and cons of the various options before choosing which path offers the best chance of success.

Choose a course of action: Decide on a course of action and move forward.

Implement your plan: Create a clear, specific, and actionable plan. Make sure employees are informed and take action.

Analyze the results: Every course of action you follow provides an opportunity for you to learn. Pay attention to your results to identify areas where you need to improve your decisions. Do you have the right data? Are you considering or recognizing each option? Are you communicating well with your employees?

Adapt to the future: Make necessary changes to reorient your course of action. Keeping a record of what worked and what didn’t will help your future decisions.

Essential Skills for Effective Decision-Making

Your decision-making abilities are strengthened by these skills

  • Solution-finding: The ability to recognize a problem and find a solution is crucial to decision-making. Maintaining calm under pressure and finding the best possible solutions is possible with strong problem-solving skills.
  • Analyzing data: It is imperative to be able to perform your own analysis or delegate the job to the corresponding employees so you can assimilate the information. Knowing the type of data you require is also important.
  • Time management: Certain decisions must be made rapidly. In order to achieve success, it is imperative to be able to make informed decisions within the required timeframe.
  • Communication: It is crucial to communicate decisions clearly and effectively. By actively listening, you can keep up to date on project progress, work processes, and employee performance. Each conversation becomes information that can be used when you need to make a quick decision.
  • Humility: Sometimes it’s the ability to acknowledge that another staff member’s solution is better than your own. No matter who developed the solution, it’s essential that you make the right choice.
  • Mediation: Being able to assess everyone’s viewpoint, be fair and diffuse conflict is crucial.
  • Planning: Business decisions can often lead to unexpected pitfalls. Good planning allows your team to avoid unforeseen challenges.
  • Leadership: Even great decisions aren’t very valuable if they aren’t shared with others. A leader’s ability to convince others of the rightness of their decision helps them lead effectively.

Decision-Making: What You Need to Know

Making decisions is an integral part of any business. The most effective way to make decisions is to take evidence and interpret it in conjunction with past experience. Practice decision-making steps when you have the chance in your business and learn from your decisions. You will become a more effective and comfortable decision-maker as you gain more experience.

What is the importance of data in decision-making?

You are more likely to be able to accurately predict outcomes when you have good data. The information you have also made it easier for you to convince others that your decision is the right one.

How can you encourage ethical decision-making?

Responsible ethical decision-makers factor in their company’s bottom line as well as the impact their decisions have on their communities. Employees are encouraged to do the same. In addition to helping your business thrive, ethical decision making is a positive influence on the community.

John Mattone

John Mattone is the world’s top executive coach and a pioneer in leadership transformation. As the founder of John Mattone Global and the creator of the Intelligent Leadership® framework, he has coached Fortune 500 CEOs, government leaders, and rising innovators across 55 countries. A best-selling author of 11 books, including Intelligent Leadership and The Intelligent Leader, John’s mission is to unlock greatness in leaders, one transformation at a time​​.

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