Resilient leadership allows leaders and organizations to rise above their circumstances and fulfill their purposes. In lockstep with leadership maturity, resilience is a choice as well as a necessity. In the business world, things aren’t about to get simpler, easier, or more forgiving. Leaders can, however, grow more resilient and capable of fulfilling their increasingly complex roles.

“All things are difficult before they’re easy.”- Thomas Fuller.

Resilience is a sign of leadership maturity. Mature, resilient leadership accounts for many aspects of the brand of intelligent leadership that today’s challenging business environment requires.

Resilience is also a choice and a way of being. Resilient leadership allows us to address challenges, handle setbacks, and navigate the uncertainties we face every day. Ultimately, resilience allows us to overcome our circumstances, becoming the leaders we were meant to be.

Leadership resilience builds resilience within organizations, manages risk effectively, maintains employee morale, and empowers people to take the initiative when facing uncertainty.


Resilience is a force multiplier.

In life and business, there is never a shortage of adversity. Things never get easier. We, however, develop the skills and attitudes that allow us to handle them better. Resilient leadership requires many attributes we can link to maturity:

  • Optimism
  • Adaptability
  • Effective communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Emotional intelligence

An immature, emotionally vulnerable leader may perceive failures as defeats. For a mature, emotionally solid leader, a setback is a learning opportunity. As such, it is often welcome. Resilient leadership redefines setbacks through alternative perspectives that are more objective and constructive.

In this article, I perform a deep analysis of the role of resilience in leadership, dissecting its ramifications and providing actionable advice on how to cultivate resilience and lead through adversity.

Defining Resilient Leadership

Leadership in adversity requires a specific mindset that allows leaders to view their challenges objectively, and move from reacting to recovery. As a leadership coaching expert, here’s how I define the core principles of resilient leadership:

  • Adaptability. Mature and resilient leaders understand how change and disruption work. They embrace change as a normal and inevitable part of life.
  • A purpose. Resilient leaders never lose sight of their purpose or abandon their vision for the future. They know that all roads must lead to that vision, regardless of the detours.
  • Emotional intelligence. Resilient leaders understand their emotions and are good at managing them. They don’t succumb to panic and know how to spot the silver lining in failures.
  • Resilience is a state of mind and a choice. Mature leaders invest time and energy in building their resilience.
  • Commitment to continuous improvement. Like leadership itself, resilience is a journey, and intelligent leaders know they must continuously develop it.

Immature leaders react to unforeseen situations. Resilient leaders reinvent, plan, manage, and solve problems. Instead of looking inward, resilient leadership is market-facing. Instead of perceiving unpredictability as traumatic, resilience allows us to embrace it and make the most of the opportunities it brings.

The Need for Resilient Leadership

We need leaders who can handle uncertainty, as uncertainty is the only certainty these days.

In our ever-accelerating world, we face more quickly evolving challenges every day.

  • Economic turmoil. Financial and economic crises are always close.
  • Technological advancements. The quick evolution of technology forces us to adapt or perish.
  • Global events impact everyone and everything due to the interconnectedness of global economic systems and the business landscape.

Other factors that support the need for resilient leadership are:

  • Cybersecurity challenges
  • Political and social unrest
  • Quickly evolving health crises
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Evolving consumer expectations

The healthcare and financial sectors are two industries that demand resilient leadership. Responding to fast-emerging health crises and regulatory compliance are two of the major challenges of the healthcare industry. The financial sector faces crises of its own, together with accelerating disruption and mounting cybersecurity problems.

healthcare sector

The healthcare sector demands resilient leadership.

The Core Elements of Resilience

To develop your leadership resilience you must understand its core elements. As a leadership coach, I aim to improve my clients’ resilience by focusing on the following aspects of their leadership:

  • Emotional intelligence. Self-awareness and emotional intelligence are two cornerstones of leadership resilience. Together, they define how well leaders maintain their composure under pressure by managing their emotions.
  • Resilience is about accepting change and managing its many aspects successfully. Adaptable leaders adjust to new realities and rise above their circumstances.
  • Problem-solving. To navigate unexpected obstacles, leaders must be effective problem-solvers.
  • Empathy helps leaders build strong social connections and support networks. Leaders who enjoy their employees’ support and trust find it easier to adopt the mindsets resilient leadership requires.

 Despite the adversity he faced throughout his life, South Africa’s former President, Nelson Mandela triumphed through extraordinary resilience. He maintained a positive outlook during his 27 years in prison. He adapted to the circumstances and built strong social support networks in his country and abroad. His commitment to justice never wavered and neither did his ability to inspire others through resilience.

Leading Through Crisis

Effective leadership through a crisis requires adaptability, a focus on problem-solving, and decisive action. Good crisis leaders acknowledge the situation, assess its challenges, and gather relevant information before acting. They mobilize resources and communicate with their employees, demonstrating transparency and honesty. They develop action plans and target the most burning issues first while keeping an eye on their long-term goals.

Resilient individuals use their emotion management skills and intelligence to keep a cool head under pressure. Clarity of thought allows them to make rational decisions, thus maximizing their odds of success. As a leadership coach, I advise people to build reservoirs of positive leadership references vicariously or through their experiences. These reference reservoirs boost resilience, facilitating a problem-solving mindset.

Here’s an actionable blueprint for making good decisions under stress:

  • Connect with your inner purpose.
  • Practice mindfulness.
  • Focus on what you can control.
  • Acknowledge that failure is a possibility.
  • Know your employees.
  • Embrace feedback and guidance.
  • Don’t let the fear of failure dissuade you from taking chances.
  • Develop self-awareness to control stress.
  • Set up contingency plans.
  • Do not give in to despair and guilt.

Building Resilience in Teams

Intelligent leaders lead by example. They understand that people rely on them for guidance and support when facing a crisis. If they demonstrate resilience, it inspires their teams. People tend to copy inspiring behaviors that lead to success.

fierce leader

People look to their leaders for reassurance and guidance.

In addition to exemplary leadership, leaders can facilitate team resilience by focusing on open communication, transparency, and trust-building.

They can also provide support and encouragement, empowering people to adopt solution-focused, problem-solving mindsets.

Those who involve their teams in decision-making and reach out for feedback share their burden while empowering their employees.

Under the leadership of Sergey Brin and Larry Page, Google was an organization constantly teetering on the cutting edge of innovation. The two empowered their employees to experiment and innovate, encouraging them to “fail fast, fail often.” This focus on continuous improvement through experimentation instilled a culture of resilience within the organization, contributing significantly to its success.

Cultivating Resilient Leadership

I’m an executive coach. I help my clients develop resilient leadership traits as part of the process that helps them become better versions of themselves. Of the many leadership skills that factor into resilience, a handful stand out:

  • Emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence allows you to recognize and control your emotions while influencing the emotions of others. The resources you invest in developing your EQ are resources well spent.
  • Embracing failure. Mature leaders know failures aren’t defeats. They are stepping stones to success. Learn to treat them as such.
  • Adaptive thinking. Try to see and analyze things from diverse perspectives. Adopt the principles of scientific thinking and be open to change.
  • A growth-focused mindset. Leaders who adopt a growth mindset know that they can overcome their challenges with perseverance and may even learn something from them.
  • Leading by example. Leaders who enjoy the trust and respect of their employees can facilitate a culture of resilience through their personal examples.
  • Setting realistic goals. Chasing realistic goals maximizes the odds of success. Leaders and employees can use these success stories to build their personal reservoirs of positive leadership references.
  • Lifelong learning. Continuous learning keeps people flexible and adaptable. It accounts for changing circumstances, allowing leaders and organizations to find and exploit new opportunities.

To develop your resilient leadership traits, you can engage in networking with other professionals in your industry or through online communities. Mentorship is another solution. Junior leaders can seek mentors within their organizations with whom they can interact in person, in a familiar environment.

As technology and globalization accelerate, businesses are under increasing pressure to keep pace. The only certainty is uncertainty these days, and that demands resilient leadership and resilient organizations.

Resilience is a conscious choice and journey, but it’s not exclusively personal. Resilient leaders create resilient teams and organizations that thrive amid constant change and rapidly evolving challenges. Resilient leadership is the leadership of the future.

As a leader, you must embrace resilience as a core leadership trait and character element.

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John Mattone

John Mattone is the world’s top executive coach and a pioneer in leadership transformation. As the founder of John Mattone Global and the creator of the Intelligent Leadership® framework, he has coached Fortune 500 CEOs, government leaders, and rising innovators across 55 countries. A best-selling author of 11 books, including Intelligent Leadership and The Intelligent Leader, John’s mission is to unlock greatness in leaders, one transformation at a time​​.

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