A positive leadership coaching mindset is an indispensable ingredient of coaching success. Only through such a mindset can coaches connect with clients on the deeply human level that allows them to inspire and unlock potential. While coaching skills matter, the right coaching attitude makes a more pronounced difference.

Positivity is an essential component of intelligent leadership. 

In my books and articles focused on intelligent leadership, I have defined the relations between the inner- and outer-core leadership competencies, together with the individual constituents of both competency categories.

Positivity in Leadership

I have established that inner-core strength stems from one’s character, values, positive beliefs, positive self-concept, and positive thoughts. Positivity is an overarching theme in the context of intelligent leadership. It modulates leadership maturity and resilience, some of the most important aspects of successful, inspirational leadership.

Positivity and Leadership Coaching

How can a leadership coach develop a client’s inner core without providing a positive example in this sense? Can a coach preach one thing and practice something different?

Trust is the basis of every effective coaching relationship. And there is no trust without honesty and integrity.

Positivity is an essential prerequisite of progress and success. In some ways, positivity is life.

According to the theory of the positivity ratio, to function optimally, the positive feelings and thoughts of a person need to outweigh the negative ones by a ratio of at least three to one. The mathematical aspects of the theory have their critics, but its core proposition is solid and credible.

Positivity begets results. By focusing on opportunities, we tend to invite more our way. By contrast, if we focus on problems and obstacles, we wall ourselves in, denying new opportunities and failing to capitalize on those that exist.

By focusing on faith, we spur ourselves into action. By zeroing in on our fears, we paralyze ourselves.

Positive and Negative Coaching Attitudes

Although leadership coaches should know better than to allow themselves to fall prey to negativity, there are always temptations.

It’s a natural human reaction to attempt to guard against disappointment by lowering expectations. Pessimism is a result of such a cautiously fearful attitude toward disappointment. If we expect the worst, unfolding events can only surprise us positively, right? Wrong.

Temerity inspires. 

People tend to rise to the level of expectations of an inspiring leader. Similarly, if a coach can inspire a client through positivity, the latter can transcend his/her boundaries and achieve excellence.

Here are some differences between negative and positive coaching:

  • According to a negative coaching mindset, people are reluctant to leave their comfort zones and prefer to be stuck in their ways. A positive mindset dictates that under the right circumstances, people can and will change and grow.
  • A leadership coach with a positive attitude knows that people want to succeed. On the opposite end of the spectrum, a negativist will say that people are only after a paycheck.
  • Immature people will lie and steal for their benefit. A mature leadership coach with a positive attitude understands that people generally want to do what’s right.
  • Mature coaches know that people who have a better understanding of how the world works want to help others. A coach with a negative attitude will concede that people only care about themselves.
  • A negative coaching attitude assumes that people will only do the bare minimum to achieve adequate results. Positivity tells us that people will rise to expectations.

A Good Leadership Coach Rises to His/Her Expectations

A positive leadership coaching mindset helps the coach strike up a rapport with clients, effecting meaningful positive change. On the other hand, it also helps coaches fulfill their roles with excellence.

Positive expectations and a positive coaching mindset may exert a more lasting positive impact on leaders than a solid coaching skill set alone.

Leadership coaching is about connecting with people on levels deeper than technically sound instructions and guidance. For such a connection to occur, the coach has to have a positive mindset about others and him/herself.

To learn more about positive leadership coaching mindsets, pick up and read my books on intelligent leadership.


John Mattone

John Mattone is the world’s top executive coach and a pioneer in leadership transformation. As the founder of John Mattone Global and the creator of the Intelligent Leadership® framework, he has coached Fortune 500 CEOs, government leaders, and rising innovators across 55 countries. A best-selling author of 11 books, including Intelligent Leadership and The Intelligent Leader, John’s mission is to unlock greatness in leaders, one transformation at a time​​.

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