World-class leadership coaching is usually the privilege of a few top leaders heading the world’s most successful organizations. The Intelligent Leadership Online Academy (ILOA) has made world-class leadership coaching available to everyone. Find out how ILOA works and how it can help transform your organization.

Leadership coaching benefits everyone. If your goal is to create a diverse, innovative, and inclusive organizational culture, executive coaching can equip leaders with transformative, change-oriented mindsets to deliver results. World-class executive coaching is no longer the privilege of top-level executives.

The Intelligent Leadership Online Academy (ILOA) offers everyone the same business coaching that helped the late Steve Jobs and PepsiCo’s Roger Enrico.

ILOA is an affordable online solution that delivers coaching expertise in the form of a practical guide, taking advantage of your natural learning proclivities. With ILOA, you can acquire the skills and knowledge you need to incorporate the principles of intelligent leadership into your professional and personal journeys.

ILOA President Nicholas Mattone says the initiative started during the Covid-19 pandemic when leadership coaching efforts moved online:

“C-level clients enrolled in leadership coaching programs with John Mattone expressed their desire to give their mid-level leaders the opportunity to adopt the methodology of intelligent leadership through e-learning modules and direct online coaching… ILOA is much more affordable than C-level executive coaching, and its format makes it the perfect learning tool for high potential, emerging, and first-line managers.”

ILOA modules

ILOA gives you affordable access to world-class coaching expertise. 

How Does ILOA Work?

ILOA disseminates the knowledge and expertise the world’s #1 leadership coach has acquired through his career in an easy-to-digest online format suitable for individuals and client cohorts.

When you and your leaders sign up for ILOA, you sign up for a 10-week leadership program that’s action-based and takes place online through an intuitive and visually appealing platform. During these 10 weeks, participants work through 10 ILOA modules designed to instill the principles of intelligent leadership in them while holding them accountable and measuring their progress.

ILOA participants start by going through assessment processes that establish baselines for their leadership development efforts.

Every week:

  • Participants watch a three to four-minute video.
  • In these videos, John delivers compelling lessons in intelligent leadership.
  • Participants incorporate the teachings into their thoughts and actions.
  • They write their questions, insights, and experiences into the platform.
  • Based on this feedback, they receive complimentary leadership coaching online from a certified executive coach.
  • The platform keeps leaders engaged through gamification, holding them accountable and delivering progress reports.
  • The process only takes 20-30 minutes per week.

What About the Results?

ILOA’s post-program ROI tool provides an accurate account of the value participants receive from the program.

The LeaderWatch Survey Tool allows three stakeholders to rate each participant’s progress and perceived improvement at the end of the program.


Stakeholders have found ILOA effective and worthwhile. 

ILOA has already gained traction with clients like Dell, Goodwill, Swope Health, Florida Cancer Foundation, Evercare, M.S. Walker, Deloitte, Facebook, Instagram, World Education Services, and more.

Several ILOA clients have provided feedback on the value they received from the program. 

Goodwill Colorado’s Rehire Coordinator Thomas Turner wrote:

Hi Nick, 

I really enjoyed the material and the prompts for the weekly activities. They made me take the time to think about myself as a leader and my core purpose. I also really enjoyed that there were concrete steps to take with the prompts. For me, the best things about how we did our course were the meetings with the rest of the team to discuss the topics and what they meant to us. As someone new to leadership, hearing from more experienced leaders in my organization was very beneficial.

Thank you!

Dell Global Alliances Global CTO and APJ Presales Lead PK Gupta said:

ILOA leadership program has been a great 10-week program for me and my team. I have to think outside the normal about various aspects of life to lead effectively and then reflect every week. The coach was very helpful to keep us on track.

Sync Residential’s Talent Development Manager Ashley Ritchie also found value in ILOA:

I enjoyed the program. I’ve been trying to take the challenges seriously and have had a couple of scary conversations; wanting to push myself to really follow through on the things the challenges have encouraged me to do. As a result, it looks like I may be given a promotion soon that will allow me to implement some of the ideas I have for our company’s training department, so I’m really excited about that!

The leadership development process doesn’t have to end with the conclusion of the 10-week program. Online coaches offer several virtual coaching options for ILOA-certified leaders.

How Does ILOA Create the Future’s Best Leaders?

The 10-week program takes participants through a range of transformative modules. These modules cover various aspects of intelligent leadership and look to endow leaders with the skills and mindsets they need to excel in the most impactful areas of leadership.

Some examples of ILOA modules are:

  • Developing a courageous mindset. This allows leaders to embrace change. Fortune favors the bold because the bold take chances and are open to transformation. Courage is contagious and inspirational. Learn how to look inside you and find evidence of your courage.
  • Developing a vision. This is an essential part of every transformation process. When you know where you want to go, it’s easier to get there. Your vision helps you understand the journey of leadership is not about you, but about others, and success requires you to define the person and the leader you must become.
  • Self-awareness. This is the cornerstone of emotional intelligence and intelligent leadership. When you see yourself objectively, you can formulate a targeted leadership development plan that works.
  • Opening up to feedback. This allows you to be vulnerable and human. It also hands you the tools to grow into a successful leader and person. Learn how to ask for feedback from those around you and how to handle the feedback you receive.
  • Long-term mindsets. They reward those who forego instant gratification and immediate results for higher causes. Chasing long-term goals requires resilience, toughness, and effective methods for handling setbacks.

How to Get Involved

Schedule a live demo and see how ILOA works. Start with a pilot of 10 modules and take part in a kick-off session with John Mattone. Before you start, we ensure you understand what to expect from the program.

We have a check-in call at the five-week mark and another discussion at the end to analyze results and weigh reactions.

Contact ILOA President Nicholas Mattone for more information.

Nicholas Mattone

John Mattone

John Mattone is the world’s top executive coach and a pioneer in leadership transformation. As the founder of John Mattone Global and the creator of the Intelligent Leadership® framework, he has coached Fortune 500 CEOs, government leaders, and rising innovators across 55 countries. A best-selling author of 11 books, including Intelligent Leadership and The Intelligent Leader, John’s mission is to unlock greatness in leaders, one transformation at a time​​.

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