“As in medicine, in the world of personal and leadership
development, prescription before diagnosis is malpractice.”
– John Mattone
Mattone Leadership
Enneagram Inventory
Your success as a leader in life and business starts with greatness in your inner-core. Take the MLEI to uncover your inner-core strengths and gaps and learn strategies for leveraging your strengths and addressing your gaps.
Leadership Index-360
The STLI-360 is John’s proprietary multi-rater assessment that measures your greatness as a leader in your outer-core. Learn how your manager, peers and employees see you as a leader including your strengths and gaps.
California Psychological
The CPI-260 is an accurate, deep inner-core assessment that measures how effectively your inner-core traits compare to a global database of 6,000 successful leaders. You will uncover those traits that are helping you as a leader and those traits holding you back.
Processing Template
The IOPT measures your decision-making preferences. Once you understand the strength of your preferences and you better understand that various situations and people call for different decision-making approaches, you will be able to use the correct approach based on the situation/people involved.