Masters of self-reflection, usually endowed with outstanding emotional intelligence, artists tend to see the potentials and predicaments of human nature better than others. Thus, they can be inspiring leaders and champions of causes.

Introspection can, however, turn into a liability when it comes to making an impact as the leader of an organization.

In the context of corporate leadership, artist-types, or the possessors of the artist leadership trait, need leadership coaching that fits their specific profile of strengths and weaknesses.

To what leadership coaching style do artists respond best?

As a predominant artist, your journey to continuous improvement and the conquering of your limits is a two-stage one.

  • The strengthening and maturing of your artist leadership trait; and
  • Transcending the confines of your predominant leadership trait and stepping onto the path of continuous improvement.

The Strengthening of Your Artist Leadership Trait

This journey is about growing into a mature artist and adopting a sophisticated artist leadership style. Being what I called “middle-of-the-road” mature in my book Intelligent Leadership, or, God forbid, derailing, can be the recipe to leadership disaster.

A derailing artist is immature and thus depressed, negative, drained, and often unable/unwilling to communicate his/her ideas and feelings. Immature artists are prone to eschewing responsibility, and they have a hard time building connections.

A mature artist, on the other hand, is creative, empathetic, open to discussing feelings, and authentic in action.

What can you do to grow from a derailing artist into a mature one?

  • Grant feelings less of a weight in defining who you are.
  • Steer well clear of negativity. Artists are highly sensitive to negativity and find it difficult to fight it once exposed to its toxicity.

negative positive

Artists are very sensitive to negativity. 

  • Proactively confront your tendency to procrastinate. Do not allow your feelings to dictate when you can perform a task.
  • Work on your discipline. Improve your physical condition, establish constructive routines, and break down tasks into easy-to-digest chunks on which you can readily focus.
  • Start viewing failures as opportunities to learn and grow.
  • Open up to people you trust. Connect with others to redefine your self-image.

The Path of Continuous Improvement

Your growth as a leader should not hit a glass ceiling once you’ve adopted the attributes and attitudes of a mature artist.

Your path of development should have you looking to acquire the attributes of the mature perfectionist. This is the best way to distance yourself from your world of self-absorption and take steps toward objectivity and action, based on a well-defined system of values.

  • Accept the fact that you have expectations to fulfill and values to uphold.
  • Your resulting success can open you up to connecting with others, thus decreasing your sense of isolation.
  • The traits of a mature perfectionist will improve your focus.
  • Improved focus leads to improved self-discipline.
  • As you shake off the shackles of your emotions, your improved focus and discipline translate into much-needed consistency.

As a leader, you will experience ups and downs. Artists, even mature ones, are ill-equipped to handle the emotional strife that results from failure. My leadership coaching roadmap focuses on addressing such weaknesses while building on your strengths, such as creativity, innovation, and methodical leadership.



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