Mature arbitrators are the masters of adaptability and conflict resolution. They love and are comfortable with change, making them outstanding leaders. When they derail, however, they become useless and may drag teams down. Leadership coaching can help derailing arbitrators define roadmaps to higher leadership maturity.

“Adaptability is not imitation. It means power of resistance and assimilation.” – Mahatma Gandhi. 

Intelligent leaders are the ambassadors of change in their organizations. They understand that evolution and business competition do not reward the most intelligent but those most capable of embracing change.

Leadership coaching is about envisioning and instilling change. Arbitrators are the best leaders to embrace change and make others see its long-term promises. Some leaders feel the need to dominate their environments. Arbitrators, rather, seek to coexist with it. Their priority is to bring people together and find common ground.


Cooperation and adaptability are the strengths of the arbitrator.

Leadership Maturity and the Arbitrator Trait

As a business coaching professional, my job is to help leaders achieve maturity. Many of leaders’ derailing tendencies stem from the fundamental immaturity that defines youth.

Mature arbitrators are masters of handling disagreements and solving conflicts. They understand that as long as the spirit of truth guides one’s actions, finding common ground is possible even when parties fail to see eye-to-eye.

At their best, arbitrators are open and emphatic. They are keen to involve and include everyone. Their natural appeal allows them to be successful in this noble undertaking.

Are You a Mature Arbitrator? 

If you’re easy-going, empathic, and people see you as the heart and soul of the team, you may be an arbitrator. Are you a mature arbitrator, however? You may be if:

  • You’re supportive and feel connected to others and their efforts to forward their careers.
  • Others consider you a facilitator. People regularly turn to you to enlist your help to bridge differences.
  • You have no problems accepting yourself and others.
  • You’re an active listener and don’t have to try hard to be that way.
  • You have clear values and know what you want out of life.

How Leadership Immaturity Impacts Arbitrators

Immature arbitrators neglect to set clear purposes for themselves and establish clear sets of values to guide their thoughts and actions. This seemingly insignificant problem leads to a cascading series of failures that defeat the strengths of the arbitrators and shine bright lights on their weaknesses.

A lack of purpose ruins arbitrators’ relationship with their environments. The masters of adaptation start feeling like they don’t belong. When arbitrators can’t find their places in the grand schemes of leadership, they lose interest.

To a derailing arbitrator, walking away from responsibilities seems like the best solution. When arbitrators allow immaturity to get the best of them, they:

  • Start acting passively and submissively.
  • Develop animosity toward change.
  • Lose focus and procrastinate.
  • Forego common sense and judgment, looking for magical, lucky solutions.
  • Become stoic and fail to pay attention to what goes on around them.

When Arbitrators Derail

When they derail, arbitrators become a liability to their organizations and teams. Derailing arbitrators:

  • Become so disconnected they grow helpless
  • Are no longer willing to assume responsibilities
  • Avoid conflicts and disagreements instead of solving them
  • Grow stubborn and unwilling to leave their comfort zones
  • Disengage to the point of not wanting to have anything to do with their organizations

How Executive Coaching Can Help

The mission of executive coaching is to help leaders discover and understand their weaknesses and strengths and create roadmaps towards more mature and effective versions of themselves.

executive coaching

Executive coaching can save the day. 

In the case of arbitrators, these roadmaps are likely to point in the direction of the mature entertainer. When they acquire the traits of mature entertainers, arbitrators realize they must dedicate time and effort to understanding who they are, where they fit in the world, and what their missions are. Once they accomplish these feats, arbitrators outgrow their tendencies to live up to the expectations of others. With their own expectations to fulfill, their leadership elevates to higher levels.

Mature arbitrators are some of the most open and engaged leaders. If leadership coaching can help them achieve maturity, it is an investment they can’t afford to forego.


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