Water is the elixir of life. Our bodies need it and can’t perform optimally when we neglect hydration. Business coaching understands the importance of being fit to lead. Proper hydration allows leaders to focus better, manage their moods, and handle stress.

Water is the indispensable prerequisite of life as we know it. Our bodies are 60% water. Water constitutes 70% of our brains. When we starve our bodies of this ubiquitous fuel, we sabotage ourselves in ways we would never imagine. Why would we not drink enough water?

Modern civilization has found many ways and reasons to keep us away from water. We’re too busy to chug down a glass of this elixir at work. Sly businesses have convinced us there are better and tastier alternatives to it. Some of us find going to the toilet an inconvenience.


Water is life. 

Leadership is a mentally, intellectually, physically, and emotionally intensive activity. As a leader, you need your mental prowess, ability to focus, and capacity to process stress every day. You must be in top mental and physical shape to effectively empower, motivate, and inspire the people you lead.

Leadership coaching understands the importance of proper hydration, and you need to drink more water than you think you do.

How Does Hydration Impact Your Well-Being and Leadership? 

When you’re dehydrated, your brain tissue shrinks. With a large part of it comprised of water, the brain is highly vulnerable to dehydration. By drinking plenty of water, you ensure your brain stays healthy and capable of dealing with the challenges of leadership.

Hydration and the Brain

We know dehydration affects the structure and functioning of the brain in healthy adolescents. Imagine what it can do with the brain of a stressed-out and overworked adult.

A dehydrated brain must work more to achieve the same results as a hydrated one. Adequate hydration allows leaders to focus for longer periods and get by with less sleep if they must, although getting proper sleep is as important as drinking enough water.

Leadership coaching professionals know hydration is an important part of being physically fit to lead.


Water is an essential nutrient for your brain. 

Hydration and Your Physical Aspect

Water positively impacts almost every health-wise parameter of the body. A healthy body is good-looking and leaderlike.

Hydration modulates metabolism and suppresses hunger. It allows the body to burn extra fat quickly. It also contributes to the hydration of the skin, preventing wrinkles and giving it a glowing aspect.

Well-hydrated skin finds it easier to eliminate toxins that may cause infections and skin conditions. Hydration can also improve mood. By making you look better, it can have a double-pronged effect in this respect.

Water Boosts the Immune System

Leadership is not for the faint of heart or squeamish. It involves stress, constant pressure to solve problems, and the ability to deal with people and their quirks. Even those who rise to the task of leadership may find their cortisol levels and blood pressure higher than normal.

Being under pressure can be detrimental to your health. By drinking plenty of water, you can stimulate your natural bodily functions and immune system. Adequate hydration offers you the following health benefits:

  • It boosts your digestion, allowing your body to use food and eliminate waste optimally.
  • It protects the cartilage in your joints and boosts bone strength so you can retain your mobility.
  • It allows your kidneys to fulfill their function optimally, eliminating waste from your body.
  • It boosts your immune system, allowing you to fight infections and stave off illnesses.

From the perspective of executive coaching, the most significant benefits of good hydration pertain to stress tolerance, mood control, and cognition. Executive coaching values self-awareness and emotional intelligence as indispensable ingredients of intelligent leadership, and intelligent leadership requires leaders to be at the top of their physical and mental faculties.

Business coaching advises organizations to invest in the well-being of leaders and employees. Providing people with access to water and opportunities to hydrate while educating them about the importance of hydration creates a healthier, more resilient organizational culture.


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