Leadership coaching can help even the most accomplished CEOs improve their leadership skills. A great leadership coach knows how to unleash potential by providing alternative perspectives, motivation, and unique insights into the strengths and weaknesses of leaders. 

Leadership coaching seems to be a buzzword these days. And there are many good reasons why new and experienced CEOs continue turning to executive coaching to improve themselves and their organizations.

An executive coach offers a fresh perspective on your leadership and company, seeing things you may not see, knowing things you may not know, and saying things you cannot say.

CEO coaching opens fresh perspectives. 

What is a CEO Coach?

A CEO coach is a specialist with experience in coaching leaders, who can give top-level leaders the support, tools, and systems they need to improve their leadership and organization.

CEO coaches help leaders confront and answer tough questions. They help them identify weaknesses and blind spots. They provide feedback and access to out-of-the-box thinking.

Executive coaching is personalized talent development, and the CEO coach is the person who coordinates the effort.

Benefits of CEO Coaching

How can leadership coaching help CEOs who have already attained success in their careers? What do such “rock star” CEOs stand to gain from an executive coaching relationship?

Access to a Thinking Environment 

CEO coaches create a safe environment through their relationships with their clients. The trust and confidentiality that permeate this environment allow leaders to re-analyze their strategies and visions. Coaches can challenge deep-rooted assumptions that may hurt optimal leadership.

Continuous Learning

There is always something new leaders can learn, regardless of how successful they are. By offering new perspectives, CEO coaches can help leaders pinpoint weaknesses and identify strengths.

Better Work-life Balance 

A leadership coach can provide an all-encompassing bird’s eye view of life for leaders. By looking at the big picture, leaders realize how every aspect of their life contributes to their success. Accepting this fundamental truth allows one to carve out a better work-life balance conducive to more satisfaction and success.


Knowing your strengths and weaknesses and the progress you make toward becoming a better leader is empowering.


Empowerment tends to go hand-in-hand with motivation. When you know the progress you have made and the weaknesses you have overcome, you feel more motivated to push on.

Better Communication 

Even the best leaders may have gaps in their communication skills. Coaches identify gaps, offer solutions to eliminate them, and encourage leaders to practice their new skills. Executive coaching teaches leaders how to adapt their communication to the circumstances and to those with whom they communicate.

Heightened Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is one of the essential skills of an intelligent leader. Self-awareness, a component of emotional intelligence, allows leaders to understand why they react to situations the way they do. By deciphering their emotions and reactions and by understanding the emotional reactions of others, leaders grow more empathic. Empathic leadership results in better employee engagement and productivity.

Unprecedented Insights

Due to the unique perspectives leadership coaches bring to the table, they can help you uncover deep problems in your organization you may not have noticed otherwise.

A coach can uncover problems you never knew existed.

Top Industry Leaders Who Have Used CEO Coaches

Apple CEO and co-founder Steve Jobs was the definition of a rock star CEO and much more. He picked up many awards for innovation in technology, public service, business, and art. He was on Time’s 100 Most Influential People in the World five times. I was his leadership coach.

Together, we worked on mindset issues, execution, and precision. Being a demanding leader, Steve Jobs benefited immensely from working on showing vulnerability and staying present.

Oprah Winfrey is the embodiment of success for many. Surely, a person of her stature would understand everything about what it takes to be compassionate, relatable, productive, and successful.

For more than 25 years, Oprah has been working with a leadership coach. Martha Beck’s input and feedback helped shape the person and leader we recognize today as Oprah.

Target Corporation’s Brian C. Cornell has benefited from Marshal Goldsmith’s services. And the list goes on.

Business coaching and executive coaching can help leaders and organizations improve in ways the latter cannot figure out by themselves. By providing alternative perspectives, practical advice, and addressing leadership skill gaps, leadership coaches prove again and again that a leader’s potential for improvement is limitless.

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