Research organization Global Gurus ranks and recognizes leading experts worldwide in categories like leadership, communication, management, education, and customer service. Recently the organization named the World’s Top 30 Coaching Professionals for 2017, as voted on by industry experts, and I was honored and humbled to discover that I was ranked #2 on the list, second only to the world-renowned Marshall Goldsmith.

Research organization Global Gurus recently ranked global coaching professionals for 2017.

As you can imagine, it is an enormous honor to be in the company of some of the world’s most respected executive coaching experts, and this recognition is profoundly meaningful to me. I also know I wouldn’t have attained this status without the input and inspiration of the amazing people I have had the opportunity to work with over the years.

What Is Global Gurus?

Global Gurus is a research organization that ranks leading experts worldwide based on votes by qualified industry professionals and credentialed academics. They do not give consideration to organizations that advertise on their sites, but rank leaders based on the number of qualified votes that they receive. People who choose the professionals recognized by Global Gurus are people who know their subject matter. They’re people who actively support knowledge and personal or organizational development in their fields, and they must apply and be accepted as a Guru Judge.

What Global Gurus Has to Say 

Global Gurus very kindly recognized my work as a keynote speaker and executive coach, and in particular my work with the late Steve Jobs and former PepsiCo CEO Roger Enrico. I was especially honored that Global Gurus stated that I have “earned a global reputation for possessing a special ability that unlocks and unleashes greatness in leaders at all levels” because that is exactly what I set out to do with every keynote speech, every new book, and every coaching relationship I participate in.

It’s wonderful knowing the people I speak to are all capable of greatness.

This Ranking Is a Tremendous Honor

As pleased as I am with this wonderful vote of confidence, I know that this is no time for resting on laurels. Leadership has no timeline, and there’s no time to waste when it comes to working with the world leaders of today and tomorrow. For example, I offer a powerful program accredited by the International Coach Federation that is worth 22.25 credits for coaches or for any other person who is ready to expand their skills and credentials. I am as excited as ever to look to what lies ahead and seek out new opportunities with the help of supportive professionals like you.

I Want to Help You Achieve the 4 A’s

In conclusion, I have long recognized four game-changers that benefit professionals in any industry, whether in their work or their personal lives, and those are:

  • Altruism
  • Affiliation
  • Achievement
  • Abundance

These “4 A’s” are foundational to achieving not only greatness but sustained greatness and a lasting legacy.

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